Georgie Tyler Middle

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Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
24- 25 GTMS Basketball-Fleece jogger pants-$16.00 WH413-VAR19 WH413-VAR19 24- 25 GTMS Basketball-Fleece jogger pants-$16.00 Apparel for 2025 GTMS Basketball **UPCHARGES** There is a $2 upcharge for any size larger than 2XL and $10 for customizations for just the number on the back or $15 for the name on the back. Please note your item and size in the description box. Pricing: Hooded Sweatshirt: $23.00; T-Shirt: $ 10.00; Fleece jogger Pants: $16.00 :Georgie Tyler Middle VARIABLE Creekmur,Johnathan N/A N/A N/A $0.00
24- 25 GTMS Basketball-Hooded sweatshirts WH413-VAR17 WH413-VAR17 24- 25 GTMS Basketball-Hooded sweatshirts-$23.00 Apparel for 2025 GTMS Basketball **UPCHARGES** There is a $2 upcharge for any size larger than 2XL and $10 for customizations for just the number on the back or $15 for the name on the back. Please note your item and size in the description box. Pricing: Hooded Sweatshirt: $23.00; T-Shirt: $ 10.00; Fleece jogger Pants: $16.00 :Georgie Tyler Middle VARIABLE Creekmur,Johnathan N/A N/A N/A $0.00
24- 25 GTMS Basketball-T-Shirts-$10.00 WH413-VAR18 WH413-VAR18 24- 25 GTMS Basketball-T-Shirts-$10.00 Apparel for 2025 GTMS Basketball **UPCHARGES** There is a $2 upcharge for any size larger than 2XL and $10 for customizations for just the number on the back or $15 for the name on the back. Please note your item and size in the description box. Pricing: Hooded Sweatshirt: $23.00; T-Shirt: $ 10.00; Fleece jogger Pants: $16.00 :Georgie Tyler Middle VARIABLE Creekmur,Johnathan N/A N/A N/A $0.00
8th grade dance WH413-16 WH413-16 8th grade dance 8th grade send off dance. :Georgie Tyler Middle FIXED Rickmond,Jennifer 8th N/A N/A $20.00
8th Field Trip-2025 WH413-15 WH413-15 8th grade Field Trip-2025 We have planned a field trip to Dave & Busters for our 8th grade classes as a culminating fun trip while also reviewing critical math and science skills before our students take their end-of-year SOLs on May 7, 2025. The cost of the field trip is $25. :Georgie Tyler Middle FIXED Rickmond,Jennifer 8th N/A N/A $25.00
Classroom Donations WH413-VAR14 WH413-VAR14 Classroom Donations To support any class at GTMS :Georgie Tyler Middle VARIABLE Walker,Arnica N/A N/A N/A $0.00
GTMS Donations WH413-VAR4 WH413-VAR4 GTMS Staff Donations Help to support our staff with a donation. :Georgie Tyler Middle VARIABLE Walker,Arnica N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Pamplin Historical Park WH413-17 WH413-17 Pamplin Historical Park 6th grade field trip to Pamplin Histroical park :Georgie Tyler Middle FIXED Dunlow,Heather 6th N/A N/A $11.00
Technology Fees WH413-VAR2 WH413-VAR2 Technology Fees (PLEASE DO NOT USE FOR TECHNOLOGY INSURANCE) Fees for damage/ lost devices and chargers ONLY. Please do not use for technology insurance payments. :Georgie Tyler Middle VARIABLE Walker,Arnica N/A N/A N/A $0.00
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